Competitive advantages of a Diffuser over a Mill Tandem
There are a countless number of advantages in the use of a diffuser over a mill tandem, the most relevant being :
higher extraction efficiency
Practical results show that the Pol% in bagasse obtainable with a diffuser is as low as 0.6%, in most cases lower than 1%, while comparable low values attainable with a mill tandem are 1.6-2.0%, normally 2.5-3% . The reduction of 1% of Pol% bagasse represents an increase of gross operating revenues of about 700 us$ per thousand tons of processed cane per season. (Value based on an average sugar price of 250 us$/ton).
lower power consumption
The diffuser uses a small portion of the mechanical power typically required in a conventional mill tandem. A comparison between a six four-roll mill tandem totally electrified and a diffuser shows a power saving of about 65% when using a diffuser
lower maintenance costs
Diffuser parts do not endure same wear as mill components. The only elements that require periodical maintenance are the main chains (pins and bushes), pump internals and conveyer moving parts. There is no need to dismount the whole installation at the end of the crushing season. Practical experience shows that maintenance costs for a diffuser installation (with only one drying mill) is about 35-40% of costs with a mill tandem.
lower operating costs
Only one operator per shift controls the diffuser by means of a computer interface. The only element requiring direct attention is the drying mill. The costs of lubrication and welding are basically narrowed down to 25%, mainly in the drying mill area. The costs of chemicals for juice clarificacion and filtration drop to about 50%. All included, the operating costs drop to 25-30%.
higher operational flexibility
The diffuser maintains a constant performance in a wide range of capacity (50 - 120%), even with uneven cane supply or variable fiber content. The diffuser can outperform a mill tandem in terms of extraction, even when heavily overloaded.
higher operational reliability
All moving parts are subjected to low mechanical stresses, thus reducing chances of mechanical failures. All critical elements (such as chains) are designed for a 15 years life span. The performance is not affected by progressive wear of moving parts, therefore no downtime for replacement of these parts is expected. Very high operational reliability, with overall downtime less than 2% are common with Uni-systems diffusers.
reduced capital costs
The actual Capex for a diffuser is estimated in 80-85% of the cost of a six four-roll mill tandem. Also, (a) a reduced capacity of clarification/filtration is required, because of the filtering effect of the diffuser bed, (b) the typical structural building or shelters, or gantry cranes, usually required by a mill tandem are not needed as the diffuser is installed outdoor, (c) most structural parts of the diffuser can be fabricated at site, so that freight costs can be substantially reduced.
reduced installation costs
The diffuser does not require the massive concrete foundations typical of mills and heavy mechanical gearing. This cost also applies to clarification/filtration module. All drives requite low power, resulting in savings with transformers, starters, MCC’s, cables and other bulk materials and related installation costs. A diffuser installation is much less intensive in costs for cranes and lifting equipment.
safer and cleaner operation.
The diffuser casing is totally enclosed, resulting in a safer, cleaner and low noise environment.
With a diffuser, users can substantially increase their gross operating revenues. A case study for a 2,000,000 Ton per season facility is attached, for a quick reference, however, upon request, we can assist you to evaluate the feasibility of a radical change to your specific situation, to switch from a milling tandem to a new diffuser. Please contact us by chat or email.